Photos and the City

Slow travel & photography

If you´re looking for the perfect viennese souvenir, a little present or just a special treat for yourself, have a look at Altmann & Kühne, a confiserie and chocolaterie established in 1928. They offer the most perfect tiny chocolate pralines and have the prettiest packaging, designed by “Wiener Werkstätten”. An aunt used to gift me a little bonbonnière each christmas, it was always a very special gift and I still have a lot of the different boxes, the chocolate is long gone….

altmann & kuehne, confiserie, chocolate, praline, vienna, graben, handmade, vintage altmann & kuehne, confiserie, chocolate, praline, vienna, graben, handmade, vintage

altmann & kuehne, confiserie, chocolate, praline, vienna, graben, handmade, vintage altmann & kuehne, confiserie, chocolate, praline, vienna, graben, handmade, vintage

The store on Graben feature a novel modernist facade designed by Josef Hofmann and is a listed building. Entering it´s like stepping back in time.

Business florished in the 1930is but in 1938 the two founders Emile Altmann and Ernst Kühne had to flee from Austria and moved to New York, where they opened a new shop on Fifth Avenue. Thanks to one of their employees the viennese business survived during World War II.

altmann & kuehne, confiserie, chocolate, praline, vienna, graben, handmade, vintage

altmann & kuehne, confiserie, chocolate, praline, vienna, graben, handmade, vintage

Little box of treasures!

altmann & kuehne, confiserie, chocolate, praline, vienna, graben, handmade, vintage

And it´s true, these pralines not only put a smile on every face, they are almost too beautiful to be eaten!

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