Photos and the City

Slow travel & photography

When June is a constant heatwave with 35°celsius it´s time to find ways to leave Vienna and cool off somewhere – it´s time for Sommerfrische!

After spending an afternoon in the Piestingtal the week before, I wanted to cool down with water. I always have liked to drink Vöslauer so why not bath in it – at the Thermalbad Bad Vöslau!

Opened in 1873 it hasn´t changed that much and still has that special historic charm. But the history of the Vöslauer spring reaches way more back – back to the old Romans who already used it. First written mention was in 1136 as “Feselover”-spring.

thermalbad, bad vöslau, niederösterreich, sommerfrische, baden, summer, summertime
thermalbad, bad vöslau, niederösterreich, sommerfrische, baden, summer, summertime thermalbad, bad vöslau, niederösterreich, sommerfrische, baden, summer, summertime

Im 19. Jahrhundert war die Benützung des Bades für Damen und Herren genau eingeteilt und ausschließlich in gefärbten Badekleidern gestattet. Das Vöslauer Bad war (und ist) ein beliebter Ort, um Schwimmen zu lernen. Darunter waren auch einige Berühmtheiten: Mehrere Mitglieder des Kaiserhauses, Paul Neumann, Schwimm-Goldmedaillengewinner der Olympischen Spiele 1896 in Athen und Arthur Schnitzler. Von gesellschaftlicher Bedeutung ist, dass in Bad Vöslau die ersten Frauen Österreichs schwimmen lernten – wir sorgten also schon im 19. Jahrhundert für die Gleichstellung. (Vöslauer Thermalbad)

During the 19th century women and men weren´t allowed to use the bath together and you had to wear dyed bathing clothes. Many people learned swimming there, members of the royal family, Arthur Schnitzler and many more – even the first women, which was quite modern.

thermalbad, bad vöslau, niederösterreich, sommerfrische, baden, summer, summertime

Do you see these historic Kabanen and flats in which one can live in summer or all year round? They are all around the green bassin and then there are more modern wooden houses uphill in the wood – perfect place for Sommerfrische, but probably super hard to get.

But even as a visitor you instantly feel relaxed lying under the old trees on the little island in the green bassin or uphill, where it is even more quiet.

thermalbad, bad vöslau, niederösterreich, sommerfrische, baden, summer, summertimethermalbad, bad vöslau, niederösterreich, sommerfrische, baden, summer, summertime


All photos and the little movies were made with my phone, as I didn´t wanna bring my DSLR – it was all about relaxation and not worrying about where to put the camera.

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