The contestants from Serbia, Romania and The Makemakes (Austria) rocking the Eurovision Village and a full village during the live broadcast. A fabulous day without rain – juhu! Dancing Irish, partying Lithuanians and so many more!
The contestants from Serbia, Romania and The Makemakes (Austria) rocking the Eurovision Village and a full village during the live broadcast. A fabulous day without rain – juhu! Dancing Irish, partying Lithuanians and so many more!
Tribute to Udo Jürgens – kangaroos in Austria – spanish party – rain, rain, rain Do you remember Spains Eurovision song from last year? It was “Dancing in the rain” by Ruth Lorenzo and one might say, that was todays motto! The Big 5 (except for Germany) and Guy Sebastian from Australia did a […]
Music – sunshine – music – dark clouds – lots and lots of flags – sunshine – public viewing – thunderstorm – and my favourite Estland made it to the grand final on saturday! Yay!