Back home in my tiny Blackhouse – the little one between the two cars, right on the border between Harris and Lewis.
The lovely chicken, provided me with delicious eggs – have a look at the Araucana Hen, the one who seems to wear a helmet, she lays blue eggs, which really are special.
Just a short walk over a field brought me to the loch in front of the house, my neighbours loved to go there to collect mussels and find crab.
But I also had to make an important phone call and there was absolutely no reception around the house. The only option was to walk up the hill behind the house, something I´ve already done the days before.
View over the houses and the lochs from the hill and up we went.
But, different from the last days, this time I got company, a group of Highland Cattle also enjoying the view.
The Heilan Coo guarding the way.
These two had a bit of quarrel going on or maybe it was teenage hormones?